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Monitorização dos impactes das linhas eléctricas aéreas de alta e média tensão e a avifauna

Type of publication

Grey literature


Neves, J. & Infante S.

Organisation type

NGO, TSO, Research centre, Government





Publicly available



SPEA, Quercus, EDP, ICNB

Country of experiment



As part of the second protocol to integrate the electricity distribution network with bird conservation, the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) and Quercus A.N.C.N. (Quercus) completed the study of 275 kilometres of medium and high voltage lines. Part of the field effort, agreed with the other protocol partners (EDP-Distribuição and the Institute for Nature Conservation and Biodiversity), was intended to complement the characterisation of the situation that began in 2003, but the main focus of this project was to assess the effectiveness of the application of measures to minimise the impacts of electrocution and collision.

This document is the Final Report of the Power Lines and Birds II Project. The aims of the report are to present all the data collected as part of the project (2006, 2007 and 2008), the final discussion of the results and the identification and localisation of the lines considered to be impacting or potentially impacting.

The total size of the actions carried out under this protocol was increased in line with the approval of an Interreg application (Faunatrans II - Portugal). In the area covered by this project (Beira Interior Sul, Alto and Baixo Alentejo) at least 92 kilometres of power lines were to be visited. The end result was a complete visit to 66km of lines, the records and analysis of which made up a separate report presented and approved in February and April 2008 respectively.

The Final Report of the Power Lines and Birds II Project was drawn up by the team of coordinators of the "Power Lines and Birds II Project".

Target species


Key words
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