Flight behavior of birds in response to the use of beacons on power transmission lines
Type of publication
Peer reviewed
Biasotto et al.
Publicly available
University of Rio Grande do Sul
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Country of experiment
Bird flight behavior in response to marked wire use in power transmission lines. As a result of the expansion of the energy sector and the subsequent installation of new power transmission lines (LTs), birds are increasingly exposed to the risk of direct mortality due to collision with these structures. In order to minimize collisions, bird flight diverters are fixed in the static wire. We tested, with an indirect measure, the effectiveness of this dispositive by means of observations of the alteration of the flight behavior in distinct bird families. We considered two risk variables - position of the line transposition flight and flight distance in relation to the cables - observed on mitigated and unmitigated spans of a LT located on the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We used chi-square test (α = 0.05) for the two risk variables and for each family separately to test for differences in behavior responses to flight diverters. Out of 13 families, only Hirundinidae showed risk avoidance flight behavior on mitigated lines. Despite the wire marking be indicated as the most appropriate measure to mitigate these fatalities, our behavioral study do not supported this claim, at the family level. However, before their abandonment we discuss the need of a meta-analysis of their effectiveness on Brazilian TLs as well improvements needed in monitoring study designs.
Species researched