Documenting and reducing avian electrocutions in Hungary: A conservation contribution from citizen scientists
Type of publication
Peer reviewed
Demeter et al.
Organisation type
Publicly available
BirdLife Hungary
Country of experiment
Electrocutions of birds on power structures is a global conservation concern that has not been thoroughly reported in all areas where it occurs. Here we provide information from citizen scientists describing 3,400 avian carcasses of at least 79 species found at the bases of 57,486 electrical pylons in Hungary. Of these carcasses, 3% were found at the bases of pylons retrofitted to reduce electrocution risk. On average, one carcass was found per 15 nonretrofitted pylons surveyed compared one carcass per 89 retrofitted pylons, an 83% difference in frequency.
Electrocutions included 4 species of conservation concern in Hungary: Red-footed Falcons (Falco vespertinus), European Rollers (Coracias garrulous), Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug), and Eastern Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca). Only 3 of 104 (3%) electrocutions involving these species occurred on retrofitted pylons. Across birds of various sizes (small ≤ 25 cm long, medium 26-49 cm long, and large, 50 cm long), differences in electrocution frequencies on nonretrofitted and retrofitted pylons were smallest for small birds, apparently because small birds could walk across the unprotected gaps in coverage directly below energized conductors. In this study, citizen scientists documented the breadth of the electrocution problem in Hungary but were not trained to record detailed pylon-specific configuration details. Rather, each pylon surveyed was categorized into one of 8 general configurations. Pylons with terminal connections were the most dangerous, accounting for 8% of pylons and 24% of electrocutions. Future mitigation may benefit from professional scientists conducting detailed analyses of how electrocutions occurred on retrofitted pylons.
Target species