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Distribution grid expansion - Conflicts and solutions from a nature conservation perspective

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Country of experiment



As part of the implementation of the energy transition, more and more electricity is being generated decentrally by renewable energies in Baden-Württemberg. Until a few years ago, the distribution grids (low, medium and high voltage up to 110 kV) mainly transported electricity from the higher-level extra-high voltage transmission grids or large power plants to where it was consumed. Today, they also take in electricity from decentralised renewable energy sources, primarily photovoltaics and wind energy. As the current line capacity of the distribution grids is not sufficient for this, bottlenecks can occur in the grid, which make it necessary to convert and expand the grid. Adapting the distribution grid is therefore a core task of the energy transition.

The "Renewable Energies and Nature Conservation Dialogue Forum" is a joint project of NABU and BUND funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector. It is committed to ensuring that the expansion and conversion of the distribution grids (with a focus on 110 kV) is as environmentally friendly as possible where it is absolutely necessary.
Citizens can use their knowledge of the area and species to help find solutions for grid expansion that minimise conflict in the interests of nature conservation. Early involvement of the public and nature conservation organisations is therefore an essential basis for successful planning.

These nature conservation recommendations are aimed at nature conservationists, those involved in the process and interested parties on site. The brochure is intended to help them recognise the key aspects of nature conservation and species protection in distribution grid expansion and to formulate well-founded expert opinions in the context of expansion projects. Planning and expert offices, licensing authorities and distribution grid operators will find an overview of the protected assets that need to be taken into account from a nature conservation perspective when reinforcing existing or constructing new distribution grids (see Fig. 1).

At the same time, this publication is intended to help objectify the discussion surrounding the expansion of the distribution grid in the country and improve communication between all levels. The recommendations are limited exclusively to nature conservation issues (see Fig. 1). The chapters end with the invitation: "Get active!" We would like to encourage you to make your contribution to environmentally compatible grid expansion.

Target species


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