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380-kV-Leitung Vierraden-Krajnik 507/508
zur Wirksamkeit von Vogelschutzmarkierungen

Type of publication

Grey literature


Kalz, B & Knerr, R

Organisation type






Publicly available




Country of experiment



In 2013, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH equipped the existing 380 kV Vierraden-Krajnik 507/508 line with bird protection markings in the form of black and white spirals for the first time. The measure was accompanied by an investigation into the effectiveness of the bird protection markings in order to gain usable knowledge for future bird protection measures on high-voltage lines. For this purpose, a count of all approach victims (collision victims) was carried out on a suitable study area before and after the installation of the bird protection markings in the area of the power line. In 2016, the black and white bird protection spirals installed in 2013 were replaced with bird protection markings with two-coloured movable elements and the same study was repeated for this other type of bird protection markings.

The 380 kV Vierraden-Krajnik 507/508 line is located north of the town of Schwedt (Oder) in the district of Uckermark in Brandenburg. From the Vierraden substation (UW), the line route first runs northwards and then eastwards to the Polish border at Gartz/Friedrichsthal. The entire line route from the substation to the German-Polish border is approx. 13.5 kilometers long. On its route, it crosses ecologically highly sensitive areas of particular importance for nature and species conservation - especially bird conservation (KRAATZ 2005, NPV Unteres Odertal 2012):
- Randow-Welse-Bruch SPA area (EU no. 2751-421)
- FFH area Müllerberge (DE 2851-301), also NSG (since 1996)
- LSG Lower Oder Valley National Park Region (ordinance of 06.01.1998)
- Lower Oder Valley National Park (also FFH area: DE 2951-302 and SPA area: DE 2951-401)

In natural terms, the area is part of the Uckermark Hills as part of the hinterland of the Mecklenburg Lake District and the Oder Valley (SCHOLZ 1962). The Uckermark hill country (744) is an undulating ground moraine plateau with a high relief at an altitude of approx. 50-60 metres above sea level, which is criss-crossed by river valleys and elongated, mostly damp depressions. The neighbouring Oder valley to the east, on the other hand, presents itself as a valley lowland of varying width (between 2 and 7 km wide) at an altitude of 2 m above sea level, which is accompanied by various marginal valley sand plains and terraces.

It is known from the literature and various preliminary studies by the investigators that the area accompanying the course of the Oder (West Oder) in particular is characterised by intensive bird migration, as the river represents an important route for migratory birds of many species. It therefore seemed sensible to select an approx. 2.4 km long section of the route in the Oder lowlands directly west of the river as the study area, most of which is also part of the national park and the "Lower Oder Valley" SPA area.

Target species


Key words

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Manfred-von-Richthofen-Straße 4, 12101 Berlin, Germany

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